Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You Know You're Growing Up When...

- the thought of sleeping in until 7 gets you excited
- you actually get excited about buying/picking out a new vaccume
- you stop asking for "wants" for Christmas and now ask for "needs" (yes I do ask for socks and get excited when I get them)
- kids these days have forgotten about the amazing shows Nickelodeon used to have
- you remember staying home and watching TGIF on Friday's
- you find yourself saying "No I don't really need that alot"
- you realize Office Space is not just a funny movie.. it is real
- you need to take a nap most days
- the fact that I just said "kids these days"
- you have to make sure you get to bed early enough to get up at the buttcrack of dawn, which for me right now is 5am-ish (depending on the snooze button)


  1. You join a bookclub and consider the once a month meeting a "highpoint" of your month.
    You started blogging.

  2. Bookclub is the highlight of my month! That is just being cool, not growing up :)


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