Monday, March 22, 2010

Shouldn't Falling Hurt?

I was always under the impression that falling off of something would hurt. Seems to be the case that perhaps every fall does not merit pain.. well at first anyway. I have indeed fallen off the wagon. I blame girl scout cookies for the initial stumble, and delicious Cadbury cream eggs and their mini-companions for the heave over the side.

A few folks at work have been being big losers... or trying at least. After the terrible terrible event of the great tonsil ejection I lost about ten pounds :) My first goal was to not gain that back, which I thought would be really hard.. I went from eating nothing to eating regular food and my sis and I had been going to the gym pretty regularly, and I kept it off pretty good. Then the girl scout cookies came along, and I tripped a little. Then working the early shift made me a little bit tired and the gym wasn't such a priority. Then came the evil pizza and Easter candy and that my friends was the straw that broke this camel's back and off the wagon I went.

While the carnage is not as bad as it could have been.. a bruised ego and back to where I started weight wise, I guess I'll be ok. Pull myself up by the boot straps, dust myself off, and hop back up on that there wagon. Not gonna lie there may be a few more cadbury eggs and a peep or two, but as soon as I get my butt back in the gym I think I'll be on the right direction again. A month left until our contest ends, I may not end up being the biggest loser, but I hope to be a loser none the less. So onward we go, we aren't circling those wagons just yet.

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