Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Long Way From GA?

Moving sucks. I have moved from GC -> my 1 bedroom apt in Champaign -> my two bedroom apartment in Champaign -> back to GC and here I sit. But I want to move so bad, not because I'm unhappy where I am I just want to have the experience of living in another state. I want to meet new people and experience new things. I have narrowed down my state selection to the south. I think that I am a southern girl at heart just born in the Midwest. Georgia is my first choice. It is such a beautiful state and so much to see and such tradition, the same well for really any state on my list here. My other choice are South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama and maybe Tennessee. I think there is just something liberating about just up and moving. It won't be easy and I don't pretend to think that it would be. I'm still young and have a lot of years left in me, so why waste them all in one place. I wish I had an infinite amount of money so that I could travel, I mean I've never even flown anywhere.

It sounds corny but I just want to be a life student.. no not school. Just learning from people listening to their stories. I wish I was one of those people who could just walk up to a stranger (not a creepy stalker I have candy stranger) just someone I don't know and strike up a conversation. I have so much admiration for people who just backpack through Europe and rely on the generosity of others, just getting to know people. I have alot of things on my bucket list that I would like to do but I really would like to move to Georgia. Just waiting for a few things to get paid off and some money saved and within the next couple of years hopefully I will coming to to you live from GA!

My favorite blog The Frisky has some other reasons why moving is a good thing:

1. Change is good. Whether you’re stuck in a rut or just think you are, moving to a new city can help push you in new directions. The challenge of relocation and the inevitable excitement of “finding yourself” again in a new place force you to rethink who you are, and what you really want out of life.

2. Diversity rules. If you’ve always lived in the same place, there are a great many benefits. You’ve got close family, a tight circle of friends, and you know your place backwards and forwards. There is something comfortable about fitting in. But encountering new types of people and new ways of living will reshape who you thought you were into who you can become.

3. Eat it up. You’re not merely changing your place on a map. Depending on how far you go, you’re exposing yourself to a whole new culture. Never lived in the South? That’s a whole differently culinary experience. Dying to immerse yourself in the ethnic melting pot that is New York City? Go for it! Your palate and your outlook will never be the same.

4. It’s not that hard. The secret to moving on a quasi-regular basis is simple. Don’t accrue too much stuff. Think about what you really need. Various experiences in my life have taught me that it’s not what you have in the world, it’s what you have inside. Dump the chairs and extra clothes. When you live light, you can gather more experiences, and, in the end, that’s what counts.

5. It’s not permanent. Don’t like where you end up? Don’t worry! You can always move again. Just make sure you give it a chance, before you go back to the place from whence you came. Whether you’re working out at a new yoga studio, meeting new friends that you only knew online previously, or are wading into a whole new dating pool, if you embrace your new city, it may embrace you right back.

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