Monday, June 27, 2011

Thankful For

Today I am thankful for semi colon & right parenthesis, two characters that can really make you smile when put together


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Don't Miss The Boat

The other night while I was further mushing my brain to nothing-ness and perusing my reality tv options while staying up way past my bedtime, I ran across a little gem called Ice Loves Coco...  of course she does.  I can always count E!

If you don't know Coco, you're really not alone all I know is she is know for her rather large ass-ets, and you may know Ice T from his role on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit but my readers are probably most familiar with his controversial hit 'Cop Killer' either way they have a reality show on E! about their marriage and all kind of other things we common folk to relate to them about.

Apparently though for about 15 years Ice T has been giving lectures at colleges and they showed a clip. In the clip he told a version of this story.

A big storm approaches. The weatherman urges everyone to get out of town. The priest says "I won't worry, God will save me".

The morning of the storm, the police go through the neighborhood with a sound truck telling everyone to evacuate. The priest says "I won't worry, God will save me".
The storm drains back up and there is an inch of water standing in the street. A fire truck comes by to pick up the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me."
The water rises another foot. A national guard truck comes by to rescue the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me."
The water rises some more. The priest is forced up to his roof. A boat comes by to rescue the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me."

The water rises higher. The priest is forced up to the very top of his roof. A helicopter comes to rescue the priest. He shouts up at them "Don't worry, God will save me."
The water rises above his house, and the priest drowns.
When he gets up to heaven he says to God "I've been your faithful servant ever since I was born! Why didn't you save me?
God replies "First I sent you a fire truck, then the national guard, then a boat, and then a helicopter. What more do you want from me!!??"
He then followed up with, and I'm paraphrasing, but something along the lines of only so many boats are going to come along in life, and you have to take them as they come.

Who knew Ice T could have such an inspirational thought of the day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Book Club Night!

This month we read 'The Happiness Project' by Gretchen Rubin. We had a very small group tonight, just four of us to discuss, it's a busy time of year to try and coordinate schedules with everyone. We had three people give the book a 4 and a stick in the mud who didn't like the book.  This book is very comparable to a Eat, Pray, Love (Which I loved)type book.

The book is about Gretchen, a woman living in New York who has it all. A loving husband, a job she loves, two kids and makes a good living. But one day decides though she isn't unhappy, is she really at her happiest potential, and doesn't quite appreciate the good life she has enough.

Researching the crap out of anything with happiness she decides to start her own happiness project. Every month for a year she will dedicate the month to something new to up her happiness level, from finding a hobby, focusing on love to lightening up a bit she uses the guidance of others to explore what really does happiness mean, and is finding ones own happiness a selfish thing to do.

You could categorize this as a self help, I like to call it more a self awareness book. Some of the things she brings up are duh! no brainers and others make you think a bit and reflect on your own life a bit. I like books that make me think about things in a different way or reflect how I feel about certain things. It's always nice to feel not alone in something.

You can check out Gretchen's blog that she started as one of her resolutions.

There are lots of things I took away from this book, I dog-eared several pages of things that struck me as interesting and things I want to look into a little more.

I know I've been away for well.. a week. But my brain has been mush. Reading a book like this has lit a fire under my butt once again... sometimes you just need a nudge in the right direction or a little bit of inspiration from unexpected places.

In the book Gretchen starts a one sentence journal, because she's too busy to write the novel like entries we all associate with good journalers. So bear with me, but on days where the brain is too much mush I think I can at least write one sentence about my day or list my favorite part of my day because even though I may have had a crappy day, there was someone or something that made it worth it. Even if it's just sharing a laugh, that's at least something.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." - Frederick Keonig

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


June 15th. We are currently right smack dab in the middle of the 6th month of the year, meaning we are halfway through the halfway mark of the whole dang year. Holy. Moly.

I know by now you'd think I would realize that time slips away faster and faster the older you get. Remember when you were little and summers seemed like an eternity, you drama of the day was whether or not is was raining and if you could go to the pool. My how the times have change, now I spend my whole days inside with hardly a window in sights, and the biggest dramas of the day come from my job. Ah the love hate of a job, can't live with it can't live without it.

Since we've reach the midpoint of 2011 I have some goals to try and accomplish in the hopes of not making this year a complete wash, I know alot can happen in six months and I know a lot has not happened in six months. But in keeping with July's unofficial theme of Happiness... here are some goals to close out the year (more to be added?)

- get a tan. Whether it be real or man made I'm too white, and dark fat looks better than white fat.
- Break a habit or start a new one. I've mentioned before that I'd really like to become a runner I'm going to try that again.
- I've verbally committed to 5 races starting one a month in August. The goal? Actually compete in said races, halfway run and not come in last.
- Get my passport. I've been working OT and need a passport, that way when Romeo comes to sweep me back to Verona I can just up and leave.
- Lose 10 lbs. Because I need to
- Buy something slightly expensive for myself and not feel bad about it.
- Follow my first instinct, they are pretty much right anyway.
- Take more pictures
- Take one long vacation away from work (preferably another country, still counts if I have it booked for 2012 as long as it was thought of in 2011)
- Visit a new state.
- Take the bike for an overnight trip
- Not spend any of the money I have storing up in my savings account =)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Sorry for the lack of post lately it's been pretty busy around North of 10th lately. I've been working OT a lot at work again so I haven't had a whole lot of time to do much of anything really.

I did get a new mesh motorcycle jacket that came in very handy this week when I rode in Tuesday and Wednesday because it was a hot one! Then today the weather turned considerably cooler in the matter of a few hours.

Starting last week was also the first week of Community Band for the summer. If you remember community band is comprised of members of the community who get together during the summer, practices are on Tuesdays at the high school then we have concerts every Thursday. There are always a good sized group (mostly older people) who come to listen. Band Boosters also sell pies and cookies and have lemonade for sale.

Summer has definately snuck up on us all I think. The lack of a typical Spring with lovely mid 70 temps didn't help us bridge the gap between cold cold winter and hot hot summer. I'm working on a summer bucketlist/mid-year resolutions post for when I have a few minutes for an update.

I hope everyone is having a great start to summer!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Liked Today: 10 Things

Today was just a plain ol' ordinary day but I liked it very much.

- The Page Turner celebrated an undisclosed number of birthdays today
- The Weather was AMAZING!
- Bike Night with friends
- Rode the bike to work
- Approximately 130 miles put on the bike today
- OL was back to work :)
- More OT for next week = more money for me
- It's Wednesday already!
- We got our vacation days back today :)
- I wasn't in the bottom two for our biggest loser contest
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