Wednesday, June 15, 2011


June 15th. We are currently right smack dab in the middle of the 6th month of the year, meaning we are halfway through the halfway mark of the whole dang year. Holy. Moly.

I know by now you'd think I would realize that time slips away faster and faster the older you get. Remember when you were little and summers seemed like an eternity, you drama of the day was whether or not is was raining and if you could go to the pool. My how the times have change, now I spend my whole days inside with hardly a window in sights, and the biggest dramas of the day come from my job. Ah the love hate of a job, can't live with it can't live without it.

Since we've reach the midpoint of 2011 I have some goals to try and accomplish in the hopes of not making this year a complete wash, I know alot can happen in six months and I know a lot has not happened in six months. But in keeping with July's unofficial theme of Happiness... here are some goals to close out the year (more to be added?)

- get a tan. Whether it be real or man made I'm too white, and dark fat looks better than white fat.
- Break a habit or start a new one. I've mentioned before that I'd really like to become a runner I'm going to try that again.
- I've verbally committed to 5 races starting one a month in August. The goal? Actually compete in said races, halfway run and not come in last.
- Get my passport. I've been working OT and need a passport, that way when Romeo comes to sweep me back to Verona I can just up and leave.
- Lose 10 lbs. Because I need to
- Buy something slightly expensive for myself and not feel bad about it.
- Follow my first instinct, they are pretty much right anyway.
- Take more pictures
- Take one long vacation away from work (preferably another country, still counts if I have it booked for 2012 as long as it was thought of in 2011)
- Visit a new state.
- Take the bike for an overnight trip
- Not spend any of the money I have storing up in my savings account =)

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