Saturday, June 25, 2011

Don't Miss The Boat

The other night while I was further mushing my brain to nothing-ness and perusing my reality tv options while staying up way past my bedtime, I ran across a little gem called Ice Loves Coco...  of course she does.  I can always count E!

If you don't know Coco, you're really not alone all I know is she is know for her rather large ass-ets, and you may know Ice T from his role on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit but my readers are probably most familiar with his controversial hit 'Cop Killer' either way they have a reality show on E! about their marriage and all kind of other things we common folk to relate to them about.

Apparently though for about 15 years Ice T has been giving lectures at colleges and they showed a clip. In the clip he told a version of this story.

A big storm approaches. The weatherman urges everyone to get out of town. The priest says "I won't worry, God will save me".

The morning of the storm, the police go through the neighborhood with a sound truck telling everyone to evacuate. The priest says "I won't worry, God will save me".
The storm drains back up and there is an inch of water standing in the street. A fire truck comes by to pick up the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me."
The water rises another foot. A national guard truck comes by to rescue the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me."
The water rises some more. The priest is forced up to his roof. A boat comes by to rescue the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me."

The water rises higher. The priest is forced up to the very top of his roof. A helicopter comes to rescue the priest. He shouts up at them "Don't worry, God will save me."
The water rises above his house, and the priest drowns.
When he gets up to heaven he says to God "I've been your faithful servant ever since I was born! Why didn't you save me?
God replies "First I sent you a fire truck, then the national guard, then a boat, and then a helicopter. What more do you want from me!!??"
He then followed up with, and I'm paraphrasing, but something along the lines of only so many boats are going to come along in life, and you have to take them as they come.

Who knew Ice T could have such an inspirational thought of the day.

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with this show. I love their relationship, and I love Ice's speeches. Thank you E! for yet another awesome reality show.


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