Friday, June 4, 2010

Would You Rather...

I ran across an interesting Would You Rather scenario today...

Would you rather ... have a completely gray mane by the age of 30 or slowly lose your hair so that you’re bald by 60?

In my mind this is a no brainer. I'd way rather be gray by 30 than bald.
1. I have what I consider a big head. It is a long oval shape not very conducive of carrying off the no hair look. You know how you do that pull your hair back with your hand trick in the mirror, yeah I got 7 yrs bad luck trying that after the mirror broke in horror.
2. I'm not pretty enough. No I'm not doggin on myself.. I know I can look cute sometimes but I really don't scream girly features.

So why could I pull of the gray hair look (in my mind)
1. It's easier to color hair if you have hair.
2. I can look like Rouge from X-Men and kick some ace
3. Gray hair doesn't really age you. I've seen some older women with gray hair but have a moder/young cut and it totally makes them look younger.
4. With the color comes a certain sophistication. You can either go the granny route and break out the moo-moos early or embrace it and go for the modern chic look and totally rock it.
5. Did I mention I wouldn't look good bald. and you can only have so many cute scarves and hats to cover with.

So which Would You Rather?


  1. I agree. I'm with the gray hair all the way. I'd hate to be bald.

  2. I agree but would also like to say, if gray hair did not age me, I would have gray hair. It is such a pain to constantly need to color.


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