Sunday, June 20, 2010

~ Happy Father's Day Dad! ~

Here's to you Dad...
Sure you may sometimes be a goober and get our orders wrong at the drive thru (thank goodness they don't serve ham boogers or onion pittal pattles) or do akward Ricky Bobby hand gestures because I guess you don't know what to do with your hands sometimes and yes most of the time we have to give you fashion lessons before you can safely leave the house...

BUT, we can always drag you to anything/anywhere, car shows, motorcycle museums, cubs games, sporting events and band concerts. You've always been in the stands cheering us on no matter what the event. You can grill a mean burger and squash the scary spiders.  You'll lend a hand to move my crap without a second thought and are always around to fix a car, and offer a good-bye hug and an "I love you" before we leave.Thank you for always being there and being a great dad! Enjoy your Day, you deserve it!

Thank you Dad! Love you!

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