Wednesday, June 23, 2010

People Make Me Laugh Hard

Oh people never cease to amaze me...

My brother and I enjoyed a nice outdoor concert this evening in the other big city as one of their neighborhood park series. My bro's guitar teacher also plays guitar in the Delta Kings (which is who we went to see tonight).

It was a perfect night for it, I thought it was going to be a scorcher but it had cooled off by time they started and the storms hadn't even thought about hitting CU yet. So as we are getting settled into our lawn chairs we placed in the shade, others were starting to gather and find their seats too. This older gentleman brings his chair up and sits insanely close to the band (most people tend to give a buffer area as to not scare the band or be so close to the speakers.. but ok whatever nothing strange..YET!)

He then proceeds to make a funny (to him) joke about there not being any shade and he should just grab a tree. He then sprints to the nearest tree in a weird jerking movement, that really look more like he was violating the tree, he attempts to uproot a tree (fail). AND, just when we thought the weird akwardness was done as he retreated to his seat... we.were.wrong.

He sat there for a little while and we were listening to the band then we happen to, I think at the exact same moment, catch at glimpse of the old man. He had pulled out a recorder... a recorder!?.. and was "rocking out" with the band and proceeded to do so for the remainder of the concert, in between of course the classic old man quick nap. He'd pop back awake and continue as if he never drifted off.

Here is the list of some of the questions when then proceeded to ask ourselves:

1. Who has a recorder laying around that isn't in 5th grade (we learned to play hot-cross-buns in 5th grade)
2. Where do you purchase such a fancy musical device (if not buying it from the school)
3. Is he with the band?
4. Where do you buy rock music for the recorder sheet music?
5. Is that a recorder in your pocket?

Unfortunately the concert was cut short by about 40 minutes do to the impending huge storm coming through (ugh again with the weather!) But we had a good time. Good music, an interesting drive home (we caught up with the storm and starred it in the face!) and some great people watching stories so I'd call it a success. If you are ever around or see the Delta Kings are playing somewhere definately worth checking out.

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