Thursday, June 3, 2010

And She's back....

So I have no idea what has been going on, it's crazy how busy sneaks up on you like that. I think it was the holiday weekend that got me all busy-like. I haven't even caught up with TV shows or been on the computer more than to check my email quick.. crazy.

So with that said Summer is upon us. Primetime TV has taken its summer hiatus which makes me a little sad (not that I should be stuck inside watching television.. but let's face it, it's going to happen). Thankfully there are enough shows to keep my attention on the occasion that I may be spending my hours inside glued to the TV.

- The Bachelorette-- ok ok I know lame. I borderline hated myself for getting into the Bachelor but since I did, Ali was my favorite to win (not Vienna sausage, but Jake was a db so it all worked out [and ps for Jake and Vienna doing a dance together on the finale of DWTS..vomit enducing]), and I'm going to see how long I can keep up with this. I like her better in small doses apparently and now that the whole show is about her I have my doubts. Second, the more I watch the show I just can't believe that people really expect a reality tv show to pick your 25 potential husbands and let you narrow it down to 1, really?! I mean I'd love to have a husband as much as the next single gal.. but come on, is it possible with all the added drama and trying to keep ratings up as well?

- TrueBlood-- two words. Hot.Vampires. go ahead and judge. I got hooked on this show when my Netflix thought I might like it.. I did. Thank you Netflix. I don't even know what it is about this show that keeps me coming back. The boys aren't bad on the eyes and the crazy things that go on and I've gotten attached to the characters. And the show always ends with something crazy about to happen so you have to tune back in to see how it goes. Thank you HBO.

Some other shows that are new to the summer lineup that I'm going to check out include:

- The Good Guys (FOX)-- "This police action comedy from the mind of Burn Notice creator Matt Nix follows a young, by-the-book detective (Colin Hanks) who is teamed with a boozy veteran (Bradley Whitford) to solve the department's petty crimes — or Code 58s, as they're known. Reaper's Jenny Wade, Castle's Diana Maria Riva and Whitford's mustache also star." I love Colin Hanks so I'm excited about this one!

- Louie (FX)-- this looks funny from the previews I've seen. "Featuring a mix of sketches and stand-up comedy, this half-hour sitcom is based on the life of the brilliant standup comedian Louis C.K. as he balances life on the road with being a divorced father of two."

- Memphis Beat (TNT)-- "Produced by George Clooney's Smokehouse Productions, this cop drama stars Jason Lee as Dwight Hendricks, a Memphis police officer who lives with his mother. Dwight's intimate connection to the city sets him apart from other officers. Alfre Woodard also stars as Lt. Tanya Rice, Dwight's demanding boss."

I also want to try to get caught up on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Rescue Me. I have Rescue Me stored up on my Netflix for Wii to watch on a lazy too hot to go anywhere/rainy day day. So ya'll got anything else that I can get hooked on? I'm open for suggestions!

Also a little insight to my sad obssion with TV, I have all the premier dates on my calendar.. don't judge!


  1. I love summer tv hiatis. Gets me outside. That side, looking forward to Rescue Me.

  2. Few errors in my original comment. HIATUS and I meant,
    that said, looking forward to Rescue Me.

  3. I love the summer months because of the warmth...hate that there's no TV on. Hence, I rent seasons of shows that I love and get to watching. Case in point: Grey's Anatomy.

  4. I like to use the summertime to catch up on shows that I didn't watch regularly to catch up and be caught up when the shows come back on too.


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