Monday, June 7, 2010

10 Things: That I Worry Entirely Too Much About

I borrowed this post idea from Wendy @ The Frisky (love #2, lol)[check the link at home work friends, unpredicatable material and might be blocked] who got the idea from this video... funny stuff.

So here are my 10 Things that I sometimes worry about (almost excessively) in no particular order, some are stupid but some are legit.
  1. An unsecured load on a semi will come crashing down upon me while driving on the interstate resulting in similar scenario to #2 or a flat like a pancake scenario.
  2. I will hit a deer and it will become lodged in the windshield and kick me in the face (money-maker) and I will be horribly disfigured for life or worse...die.
  3. I will be the spinster sister and have 50 cats and never have a family.
  4. The house will catch on fire and I will lose all of my pictures (almost to the point where I think about buying a firesafe big enough to house all my "priceles" items).
  5. Death by fire ants.
  6. Throwing up in front of people in public (I really don't know proper protocol on that, do you tell someone and who?, do you try to clean it up yourself and with what?)... freaks me out.
  7. How to get to some place that I've never been before. where do you park, what door do you go in, how do you order, who cleans up you or them... honestly in order this is number 1 on the list, I freak out a lot about this.. I hate going someplace I have never been just because I don't know the layout, helps if someone else has been there good, helps. So if I've never been somewhere you want me to go I will ask 400 million stupid detail questions if you know me, you know this is true and have probably had to deal with it.
  8. Having a party that no one will come to (it's happened and sucks, I don't have to many parties).
  9. My mind has too many dreams and I won't get to experience them all (which will happen..sad I have a lot of good ones).
  10. Never having enough money.


  1. I have many concerns too. Lots of mine regarding germs. But, #1 is a huge concern of mine. More than a load coming off of a semi I worry about the tire going bad and the tire pieces flying thru my windshield. You know how you always see parts of the tire on the road? It can consume me when I pass a semi.

  2. My worry is hitting a kangaroo and being kicked as it comes through the windscreen...they have serious claws on their feet!! Mind you I have been driving in Oz for 32 years and it hasn't happened yet, maybe I should stop worrying about that one?? I have the same worries about a new place too!


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