Monday, September 27, 2010

If I Were a Rich Girl na, na, na, na, na, na...

A mentioned awhile back that the local small town florist has closed up shop. I've always had a dream of starting my own business, what it would be I never really knew, it could be a florist. I like the idea of getting to be creative. We were having a discussion at work about our futures. 'Old Lady' was giving Francy pants and I a stern talking to. She sees our potential even though we may not see it as clearly.

We both know we are driven individuals. I myself hear that people say I have great potential and am a good worker blah blah blah, but I honestly never really hear it. 'Old Lady' says we need more self confidence, I agree 120%. I know I do, some of that though comes from others and reassurance that I'm doing a good job. Because honestly if I don't hear something from someone I assume I am average joe just scraping by.

Even as I generic google search for "How to start a floral business" it is overwhelming. I worked at a greenhouse as my first job and got to dabble a little bit with the cut flowers. With a little bit of direction I'm pretty sure I could pick up on it quick, I have an eye for that sort of thing. The stress comes from where to even begin. I know nothing about starting your own business. There are several people from town who have started their own business's, but how? I have no idea how you even begin or where. How do you do the books, how do you have money to buy your inventory and start up costs etc etc etc. I have a building picked out, I'd need someone who knows anything about flowers to be my teacher and work for me, but how do I pay them? I could make a really cute little shop. Nothing big just the basics to start out with then I could get bigger.

There is defiantly a niche to be filled here in GC. Who will do proms and dances, where will people get flowers for funerals, how do you even make funeral flower pieces. What kind of stuff would you need on hand to start out with? I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it. But it's still something that sounds fun. If anyone knows anyone who has their own business and knows where to start even asking questions let me know. Or if anyone with a floral background would want to partner on a small town florist let me know!!!

What would I even call this imaginary maybe could happen down the road florist? Honestly this is something on my radar, so even if it doesn't happen now and here, If I prepare and research maybe in the future it'll happen. It's never to late.

And also my excuse for my life to begin is always money. If If If I had more money I could do the things I want. Oprah if you hear me, I don't want money if you could just use your powerful resources to point a gal in the right direction, and maybe have Nate help set up my shop I'd love some assistance, I'm not asking for money, just a break and a little nudge.

I'd also like to give a shout-out to my pal Francy Pants. You were a great date to the What Women Want Now expo and I look forward to many more fun adventures and motivation to get us through and learn our full potential.

I'm very lucky to have so many people who believe in my potentional (even though I'm not yet living up to the full amount) and encouraging words, stern talking to's, and little nudges. I'll think about it ;)


  1. Aww HB, I thought you were a great date for the expo too :)
    See, we have more in common than meets the eye. Ever since I was a little kid I've always wanted to have my own business. But, like you, I never knew what the heck I wanted it to be...actually, I still don't really know what I want it to be...

  2. Maybe you should start with something you can do on the side and you are already familiar with and equipped to do. Photography? Christmas is coming up...everyone likes their pictures on those Christmas cards... or design your own using your own photos, calendars for the new year???

  3. Wow, i am a sucky friend....yours dreams are not 'stupid' more comments from the peanut gallery...sorry GF TT

  4. You should speak to the lady that owns the floral shop and ask her what it would cost to buy her business. Depending on what county you live in there are small business loans and grants. One of the only businesses that continue to thrive in a small town are flower shops. Maybe you should not let this opportunity go by.


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