Sunday, March 30, 2014

Workweek Rewind

What a week! Week 2 of the new job and week 3 of being an Arizonian. Lets talk about work for a minute. This was our first week at our actual office, well Monday through Wednesday anyway for me. The last two days of the week were spent at another building for some required training, but we'll get to that in a minute.

First off this job is going to be great, though it will have it's challenges I think it's a great place for me to be, it's kind of the rockstar job. Basically I'll be helping to train new employees, essentially a glorified teacher. I've always wanted to be a teacher in some way so I can't wait to get going and see if that truly is what I want. Great thing here is, soooo many opportunities. In my old area we just didn't have that. My coworkers are so nice and positive. It's basically the exact opposite of my old department, which is something I desperately needed.

So this training.... well it was basically a speech/presentation class. We had to give seven impromptu speeches and one prepared speech AND they recorded us = my.worst.nightmare! Overall the class was amazing. I learned a lot. They gave us pointers on some of our strong points and some things we can work on to improve. I need to work on using the room a little more, aka, walk around more. I also need to pause rather than saying um, so, or and. Learning to not hold my hands in front of me is also something to work on. Tons of great pointers. Luckily they weren't as concerned with the content of the speech rather they focused on the mechanics you used. My prepared presentation was about cupcakes and I made some to bribe everyone and make friends... I know what's up.

Honestly though, the worst part of the whole thing wasn't getting up and rambling in front of a group of people or having homework from work, it was sitting there having to watch yourself. You see after you gave your presentations they would take you into another room and make you watch it! TORTURE! Here is a screenshot of one of my speeches on day 2.

Day 1 speeches I could barely pay attention to what I was supposed to be listening to all I could focus on was my outfit. My mirror lied to me that morning. I left the house thinking I looked nice, whoa wrong! I was rocking one major spare tire in the mid-section. Yikes. This day 2 outfit was able to hide a major portion of the midsection and I hope that the camera added like 20 lbs but I don't think that is the case. Homegirl needs to stop feeding her face some crap and get it together.

The whole moving thing was stressful and now hopefully that things have settled down I can get into a nice routine and add healthy things in there. Eventually I will get a weekly meal plan down and get some actual food up in here rather than the quick and easy things, because we all know quick and easy is no the healthy way.

The rest of my weekend has been very easy and non busy. I did have to get up early on Saturday and drive 20 minutes to the Ford dealer so I can get Edgar's strut replaced. I arrived at 7:45 am and left at was done at 10:50 am, not too bad. I had planned to spend most of my whole day there so when it was just the morning I was pleasantly surprised.

Though I did keep getting distracted by Spiderman 2 playing loudly on the TV I was able to get a book started, Wild by Cheryl Strayed. So far so good, not quite what I was expecting but not bad.

Today I did not much. I vacuumed and put a few things away. I went and returned a pair of shoes I bought at Payless because the soles were talking to me already, I've worn them like 3 times, come on people! Then off to Petsmart to pick up a few things for Oliver, he's less meowy. I think he just meows at me because he wants me to give him soft food, but once he realizes I'm not he meanders away to play with something or sleep. I also picked up a few foamy hand soaps from Bath and Body Works. I love being close to everything. I'm literally 4 mins from a Target, it's awesome! 

More of the same for the coming week at work anyway. It's like being in college again or something with all the classes and training we are doing, but we are getting paid! I'm trying to get the rooms presentable enough to take a picture to show you my diggs, just be kind and remember it's still a work in progress.

I hope you all had a great weekend, enjoy your workweek! 

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