Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Book Club: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The monthly meeting of the Page Turners was this evening and we had a great time as always. Tonight we welcomed a new member to the club! I'm sure it was a little overwhelming for J to be thrown into the middle of all of us but she fit just great and added great insight to our discussion, welcome to the club J!

This month we read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. We were all a little surprised when we went to purchase (or check out from the library) that this book was located in the young adult section, but everyone managed to find it and had one of our better discussions in awhile.

The book is the story of Bruno who comes home one day from school to his home in Berlin, only to find that the maid is packing up all his belongings, because of his father's job the family will have to move. When they get to their new house, it's not as nice as their old home and Bruno is all alone, there are no other children to play with. Out the window he can see a tall fence that goes on what seems like forever and has sharp barbed wire at the top and in the distance he can see people all wearing these striped pajamas. One day Bruno decides to sneak away and explore. As he travels farther from the house he finds a skinny boy sitting on the other side of the fence and they become friends with tragic consequences for his unknowing family.

I gave this book a 4/5, and I'll warn you the ending is sad. We had a great discussion and all had different thoughts about different parts of the book, truely one the best things about book club (duh!) is that one persons thoughts will make you see the book in a completely different perspective.

Our book for next month is Room by Emma Donoghue. From what I've head this is going to be a good read too! Until next month, Happy Reading!

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