Sunday, February 13, 2011

Birthday Weekend Success

This weekend we celebrated my birthday. Since I was working OT all week and I'm too old to go out on weeknights and still have enough energy to go to work at the buttcrack of dawn we made it a week long celebration with closing ceremonies Saturday evening/Sunday morning.

I was hoping more people would have been able to make it, but I guess there were more important things to do than help the world revolve around me for a night but we had a few of the usuals show up ;)

The other 2 of the crew left before I thought to get pictures and of course my sister was there too (I don't look great in the picture of us so I decided to keep it to myself) Thank you guys so much for coming out, it really means a lot to me that you guys came out and that would have been enough but your thoughtful presents were the cherry on top.

I'm a laid back casual gal so we didn't do too much, it was just a casual night out and I couldn't have asked for more. We had pizza at the billiards bar then walked down to my favorite downtown bar and I stocked up on Pineapple margaritas my favorite. I kind of took back my birthday and made it what I wanted instead of what I thought other people would want to do. Of course you always have the expectations there that sometimes you get let down by. I was really hoping that there would be some more people there but that is to be expected. Turns out all the right people were there and that made it all the more better. Page Turner in her wise wisdom said "I don't care if there are only 2 people at my birthday, as long as it's the right people that's all that matters." It's definitely about quality over quantity when it comes to friends.

BUT that wasn't the end of my birthday evening. My sister and I attended our first ever 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' event. The movie on the big screen, with a shadow cast AND PROPS! I have always wanted to attend a midnight screening of the movie where people dressed up in costumes and yelled things at the screen and throw things! So much fun! We threw rice, confetti, toast, toliet paper, rang our bells, and noisemakers and time warped into the wee hours of the morning.

We had an idea of what to expect but I don't think anything can really prepare you for your first Rocky Horror midnight showing. People were crazy! Boys were running around in their underwear, I think I had about three pounds of confetti fly down my shirt. I don't think I was really prepared in my mind at all. They were even marking all the first timers. I don't know if you can tell but that is indeed a red "V" on her forehead. Lesson to be learned here let them finish their statement before enthusiastically raising your hand to "How many people have never seen RHPS in a theatre" a man in his underwear in public can't have good things to say.

All-in-all I would definately have to mark this year's birthday as a success but only because I had such great people to help me celebrate. Thank you to all my work friends, blog friends and birthday weekend friends who helped me celebrate. You really have no idea how small gestures can go such a long way.

Thank you! <3


  1. So glad that you had a great time and jealous about the Rocky Horror Picture have made me proud. Glad your b-day was a success. And the people that were there, is what matters. Loves ya bunches, my young friend. TT

  2. We do know that little gestures mean the most. Really, life is about all the little things. Glad 25 was great for you.


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