Tuesday, March 8, 2011

See Ya Later Facebook

Today is Fat Tuesday, which means tomorrow is Ash Wednesday which means Lent begins. It also means that if you pull up my Facebook profile you'll see this picture and this message: 
On facebook hiatus for Lent, be back after Easter! Should you need to get in contact with me go old school... call me, or better yet send me a letter, I love mail! or you can just text me. Have a lovely Lenten season everyone!
There you have it, this year it's not DQ Blizzards or candy... it's Facebook. This may not seem like much of a sacrifice but I'm from the social generation remember. I was on Facebook way back when before you had to worry about a friend request from your mom (which for the record, sorry mom still not gonna happen) I was a member of Facebook when it was only open to college students with a valid school email address, you know... way back when.

How did people survive without Facebook, how did you keep track of who's dating who and what if it was someone's birthday how did you let them know to have a happy day?! How did companies let you know what contests they have going or an update for almost everything. How did you know what your favorite celebrity was up to, if people didn't check in how did you know where they were? Man that must have been a scary world to live in not knowing everyones every move.... oh wait I lived in that world it was called every year before 2005 (when I joined Facebook, wow six years of my life) That world wasn't so bad was it?

So for the next 40 days I'm kickin it old school..no Facebook. If you hear internet rumors that I've died they aren't true (that is a side effect of no Facebook activity) if you hear rumors as to my whereabouts I'm 85% sure they aren't true... but you never know. If you hear I've run away to Nashville, that is true!!! I'm heading out for a few days to Music City later this month and I couldn't be more excited! Don't worry I haven't given up on North of 10th, you can still check in to see what I'm up to right here..... see being a follower will pay off for once, you'll be the first person to know if anything exciting happens.

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