Tonight I watched Love and Other Drugs starring the gorgeous Jake Gyllenhaal. I think you could literally get lost in that man's eyes... anywho... cute movie. Will warn not for children or a movie to watch with your parents, that would be awkward lots of "whoopie" if you know what I'm saying. Love the quote at the end and I know it's supposed to make you feel all lovey dovey and movies like this probably aren't good for me, just like I shouldn't have read Pioneer Woman's book, but I really hope there are these make believe nice guys and hopefully one day I'll find one if I'm lucky... but here's the ending quote.
"You meet thousands of people and none of them touch you. Then you meet one person and your life is changed...forever."
Makes me rememberthat your whole world can change in an instant and all it takes is one chance meeting. That can apply to anything, works going not so great lately but I just have to take a breath and realize it won't be like this for long and this too shall pass. So I'm trying not to stress too much and just live each day as they come... cliche' I know, but I'm beginning to see the cornier the saying the more solid and true it is. And I keep going back to probably the nicest thing that has ever been said to me and that came from the Mrs and I thank you so much for that!
"Regarding the age of 25, this much I know is true: I've seen more lives change in that one 365 day period in a person's life than any other age. I predict the same for you, and I also predict they will all be amazing changes."
Ok this was a little deep for a Tuesday if I'm honest, but it's true. I've become a sponge for optimism, dreams, and possibilities and I love absorbing life stories and lessons from all you guys. Page Turner says I'm lame for hanging out with old folk like her and OL, but I'm just soaking in all your knowledge so I'll be prepared when life throws something at me... but anywho Jake Gyllenhaal's butt should win an award for something and the movie was pretty good too ;)