Monday, November 29, 2010

Old Lady is Disappointed

I told 'Old Lady' today that I was reading Harry Potter and that I saw the movie this weekend with my little brother. You should have seen the look of shame and disappointment that quickly came across her face. I was so sad. She said she's glad I can read at an eight grade level. Oh the humanity. Now I need to double read a good interesting adult reading level book to balance out the magic and make believe, and trust 'Old Lady' I will not be a midnight movie viewer. I don't think I've been to any midnight movie showings for epic movies. I do remember coming out of a late movie and seeing all the freaks dressed up when the first or second Pirates of the Caribbean came out, not my cup of tea.

Anyone been to a midnight release, or better yet dressed up for a movie theater? and is it better to be a nerd and stake out a bookstore for a midnight release or be a nerd and camp out in a movie theater?


  1. I've been dragged to quite a few midnight showings in Miami. None of the nerdy ones though. I know I saw the Superman movie at midnight. I can't remember what else though. I've also had to stand in line for a good 40 mins to get in to a regular showing on an opening day of movies. I've never seen anyone dressed up though, nor have I dressed up.

  2. I don't think there is shame in Harry Potter reading. I know several well read people that speak highly of Harry. It is not on the level of Twilight! Extra points to you for how thick the book is!


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