Thursday, July 1, 2010

It really is the little things...

The best gift that any employer can give to an employee... paid.vacation.

Oh how I needed a break from the insurance company. You know how you just let little things that irritate you at a given moment roll off your back and can usually brush them off, yeah I can only do that for so long until all the BS that I was letting slide piles up into a giant heap of BS that I can no longer take... insert paid vacation day. Thank the Lord. I was this close to going off on someone. One day was all it took to get me feeling better...

Outside of the florecent light/soul sucking tomb that I inhabit for 7hrs and 45 minutes 5 days a week, there is sunshine, wind, birds chirping, free-time for yourself, no one asking annoying questions, that unless you started yesterday you should already know. No hourly mail cart beeping, no one hacking and coughing, no one forgetting to do something they should have already done, no fixing other people's mistakes, it is pure bliss outside those cubes... who knew.

How did I spend day 1 out of 5 days that I won't have to be at work?
- I slept in til 9:00!!
- sat in my Pjs for awhile
- drove to neighboring small town for lunch with the little bro and ate in the park (best cheap cheeseburger, fries, and milkshake you have ever had in your whole life!)
- chilled at the parentals abode for a bit
- returned home for some television viewing
- little brother appeared and we proceeded to watch 3 movies (Daniel Tosh standup, Food Inc, and Zombieland)
- blog
- more TV, maybe a movie
- bed

Who knows what tomorrow will entail, I'm not really worried about it I got 4 more days off and nothing planned :)


  1. Enjoy your PV, because on Tuesday it will be the
    sos. Be safe

  2. I am on Day 4 of getting away too. Most of mine has been spent cleaning. I'm still happy.


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