Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Could It Be?!

Yep. I think so, I'm back on the wagon. Hooray! I have been to the gym 2 nights in a row!! and started a new "Flat Abs Fast—No Crunches! Four moves that guarantee a show-off stomach" routine. Rest assured that you will never see my stomach showed off unless a miracle happens but none the less I am excited at the possibility.

I don't know where this sudden burst of motivation came from but I would like to thank it for reappearing and hope it sticks around.

Lifetime weightgoal is to be down 35-45lbs and I'd be content. Muscle weighs more than fat so lets hope these abs appear fast and take the spare with it.

1 comment:

  1. Good fast music is a great motivator to get you going. I listen to Zeppelin and The Who when I get on the treadmill, but I'm stuck in the past... I could move forward a bit to Van Halen! LOL Good luck.


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