Tuesday, July 27, 2010

10 Things: I'd Love to Spend my 3rd Paycheck on but won't because I'm realistic

1. The Tiffany necklace you see to your right. Don't judge I want it like yesterday and just will probably buy it anyway even though I shouldn't.. I earned it.. how? idk.

2. ok I will buy a few Lia Sophia items at a friends jewelry party

3. a cubs jersey

4. a trip somewhere

5. Notre Dame tickets

6. too many pieces of new clothes because I have begun to care about how I look a smidge.

7. A crazy night out on the town, movie/dinner/drinks/new going out outfit.. the whole shebang.

8. Bears tickets/another round of Cubs tickets

9. New phone- this is going to happen it's just a matter of wanting to spend more on a fancy new techno-savvy phone

10. something new for the bike

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