Monday, May 10, 2010

Just a Thought

Why am I less tired when I go to bed late and get up early than I am when I make an effort to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep?  Weird.


  1. I've always wondered the same thing. Also, why is it that if I get the same amount of sleep (say 8 hours) and have to get up at 9, I don't feel tired. But, if I have to get up at 6 (still getting 8 hours), I feel like a train ran me over?

  2. Your body has a sleep cycle time it is most comfortable with. If you would always go to sleep & wake up at the same time, what would it be? That is probably your sleep cycle.

  3. I guess I just do better with less than normal amounts of sleep if I go to bed at 11 or 11:30 and get up at 6ish I'm fine... go to bed 10 or 10:30 get up at same time I feel tired. I sometimes take a nap when I get home for like an hour.. which I hate doing because then I feel like an old person who can't make it through the day

  4. Don't feel bad. Naps are great when they're really needed. Other times they just make you more tired.


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