Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 4 & Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 2

Another Arizona bucket list item is checked! A couple girls from work and I decided to have a fancy school night out, and took a trip to the Phoenix Symphony! Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 4 and Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 2 was on the menu for the evening, and did not disappoint! 

We weren't really expecting to be the youngest people there by about 30 years... but we were! I think most of them were out past their bedtime.

Some were even asleep before the show started! Most of the seats were filled by time the show began.

I was surprised that the tickets were only $33, I thought they would have been a bit more but I'm glad they weren't! 

The show lasted about 2 hours with an intermission in the middle. The ladies next to me chatted it up at the intermission. One has lived here since 1945 and the other since 1975, they remember when Scottsdale was a dirt road. She said the key is a pool, when you are at the pool it's much better to sit there after you take a dip than if you were to just sit there. She said I'll be fine since I have air conditioning, the other lady said I'm not going to lie, July and August are a B**** (that is an exact quote) I was reminded to wear sunscreen and to make sure I learn to start wearing a hat, one of the ladies has had skin cancer removed from her forehead twice, so wear a hat! 

It was a lovely evening and I would definitely go back! It's easy to be mesmerized by the violin players and their movements, makes me wish I knew how to play! 

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to meet this new put herself out there Easy Rider. Will I even know you? PT


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