Monday, May 12, 2014

A Tale of Two Paintings

Sorry this picture is a little blurry but it's important for the story. This story begins way back in 2006. I had just moved into my new two bedroom apartment and needed some art for the walls. Being a poor college student I couldn't afford much. Please also note this was pre-Pinterest, so this is a completely original art project.

The colors of the room were black and white, and it was a big wall to fill. Enter the arts and crafts project. I went to Michael's and bought two larger canvas boards and a smaller one, add to that purchase some black spray paint, a couple sponge brushes and some white paint and you have yourself a project. The abstract look of my art was just to fill some wall space on the cheap.

Fast forward to last week. I had left these 'paintings' behind since I no longer had the color scheme to match them. I told Gma she could throw the away since they cost like $30 to make. Mom calls me last week to tell me this little story. She said that Gma had been outside dusting them off when a lady was out jogging and stopped her and told her they were so beautiful and she would offer $50 a piece for them. Gma thanked her for the offer but said she would have to check with me. When mom told me that I said "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" She said no, and that the lady said she would be back when she had the chance. Please note: If someone ever offers $50 for a finger painting of mine, you sell it on the spot and offer to carry it to the car! 

I then get a text from mom saying the lady came back and I have $100 on the way. Hooray!! What a very random event, I had to share. I feel kinda bad for taking that lady's money, but oh well! She thought it was worth it! I told Gma I would teach her my artful ways and we can make a killing on splatter painting! 

1 comment:

  1. You are having a very positive time in your life. Amazing. PT


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