Monday, April 7, 2014

Mail Time & Bike Week

Have I mentioned that I love getting mail! Especially when I open the mailbox and there is a key!! That means a package has arrived! Thanks USPS for making my mailbox happy! 

TWO packages in the package door! Bonus! 

The most important item from the homeland was this! Monical's dressing! My cheese Jack's pizza tasted amAZing tonight with this added bonus for flavor! For those of you who don't know about this delicacy, Monicals is a pizza place back in the Central Illinois area with a few other locations into Indiana and Wisconsin, but the thing that makes them special besides their delish pizza is the french dressing! It's not just any french dressing but sweet and tart, and it's perfect to dip your pizza in. Yes this sounds weird, but don't knock it til you've tried it! Make it a bucket list item if you are ever around the Illinois area! 

Here's an Olliebutt picture, he likes to watch TV, he's watching the ACM's here

I'm sure you all stopped by today to hear about my awesome weekend though didn't you!?! Well it just happened to be Arizona Bike week here so I decided to check it out! Check out the pictures from the amAZing stunt bike show. Sure you've seen some of these stunts before, but the big difference is these are Harley's! They are not the lightweight sport bikes that you usually see doing these tricks, it's something to see! These bikes are heavy!

One of the other big draws of the event was Chibs and Tig from Sons of Anarchy were there, I did see them... from a distance. I'm sorry but I wasn't about to wait several hours in the blazing sun for an autograph, just knowing that we walked the same ground was enough for me this day. I might have forgotten where I live now and well... the good news is I'm no longer blinding white shoulders, they are a little red. This was my first adventure out into the sunshine, lesson is learned, don't fret. Next time I will double SPF up. So are you mad that I didn't wait in line, would you have?

Tons of bikes! 

Here's the shirt I picked up to commemorate the event.

As a parting thought, would you take a look at these temps?!?! I haven't even been here quite a month and it's going to be 99° I'm going to melt! I'm not ready for this and neither is my poor electric bill!?! :( Ok haters, before you get to hatin' please remember that I too survived the never ending Illinois winter from h-e-double hockey sticks! I paid my dues as well. You back home will get to have a gradual warm up (albeit a slow one) but you'll have a Spring to enjoy. I came from walk outside and your face will fall off because it's so cold to now, don't go outside because your face will melt off because it's so hot! Feel sorry for me! (I'll post pics poolside) Don't hate haters, life's too short to be jelly! 

Happy Monday! 


  1. Looks like you are enjoying your new city. I think Arizona Spring is October. PT

  2. idk how to comment on the weather thing. it's really something you just have to suffer through! Plus i'm a major sissy with the heat, so i think ppl can generally tolerate more than i can. AND i think (hope/pray) this summer may be mild. i do love you are getting out and taking advantage of the many things to do here! :)


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