Sunday, April 6, 2014

Cold Pizza & Spoiled Milk

So I may be a little rusty in the domestic goddess part of life. On the one hand I have determined that Pizza Hut pizza tastes better cold than Papa Johns does, but PJ's wins with their garlic breadsticks.

I haven't quite got myself into a schedule where I actually plan a dinner or have a legitimate list when I go to the grocery store. Today my grocery cart was filled with bologna, milk, hamburger buns, Jacks pizza, baby wipes (good for removing my makeup) the most adorable mini Ben & Jerry's, cat litter, a sunshade (still not quite what I'm looking for) toilet paper and dishwasher soap... I'm pretty much Martha Stewart.

I did get around to cleaning out the fridge today, there were a few things left over from when mom and dad were here, yeah.... threw that out. Including the spoiled milk. I get on little cereal kicks but I think I had better just stick to the 1/2 gallon size, even better that they were on sale for $0.99! 

Clearly I have some Pinteresting to do or need to open a cookbook but I'm just lazy and not ready to have to legit cook. And who could blame me when that Papa John gives me 50% off coupons in my inbox?! 

Speaking of inbox, I have a care package en route from Illinois, the most important cargo (besides the printer cable I left at home) is some Monical's pizza dressing! It will be the perfect thing for my 3/$9 Jacks pizza, I've also been told by a friend that the secret to really fancying up a plain ol' Jacks pizza is to add basil, so I might have to give that a whirl. Mom is also including some clothes I left behind.. oopsie! (Thanks mom!)

Check back tomorrow and I'll fill ya in on my first Az adventure. 

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