Wednesday, May 22, 2013

More, Less and Stop

- Blogging! I've been slacking, I'm ahead of last year but still need more! :)
- Live in the moment. Be in the now.
- Reading. Seriously, books are fun why don't I already read more.
- Exercise. I've been riding my bicycle, need to start walking/running.
- Focus. 
- Adventure.
- Outside the comfort zone.

- Worrying (this could be difficult)
- Facebook- useless to just stare waiting for updates or something to occupy my time isn't it?
- TV. Summer TV isn't that great anyway. I'll save it for the weekends.
- Daydreaming at work, which would help with the more focus.
- Sugar. Having a sister who decorates cakes can be challenging at times. I LOVE CAKE!
- Full Throttles. They've become my crutch for sleeping mornings.
- Clutter. Need to get rid of some clothing taking up space and other general cluttering items.

- Biting my nails. I relapsed and now the urge is back :(
- Texting while driving. I know horrible bad habit, that's why it's a stop!
- Being scared. I freak myself out about trying new things because I'm chicken.
- Trying to convince gma that we need to adopt one of my Uncle's rescue kittens.
- self hate. I need to talk myself up not down.
- Over-analyzing. Like everything, just stop.
- Being lazy. It's so much easier but it needs to stop.

1 comment:

  1. I may have to steal this idea and make my own lists. I'm right there with you on the clutter. Spring cleaning is way past due at Casa de Bob.


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