Monday, May 20, 2013

Is It Wrong?

Is it wrong to want to stick your head in the freezer and just stand there?! Perfectly normal, ok good.

For realz y'all it's hot in here! I'm not ready for summer just yet, well I mean summer can come but could Spring not say goodbye so fast? But alas, it's that  time of year again. The time of year when I feel like an ass complaining about not having central air, total first world problems I know. It seems too soon to get the window units put in, I like to enjoy the fresh breeze through the open windows with the small town sounds coming through the window. Every year I ask myself how did the prairie people survive the summer in their long dresses? I like to think that global warming has made the summers hotter therefore making me slightly less of a whiny wimp for sweating so much. But all of these brings us to the summer bucket list time....

So my dad sometimes, ok almost daily, sends me interesting articles, most of the time I just forward them to my home email "dad" folder and read them later but this once kind of stuck out, and it was short so that's always a plus. Who is Josh Linkner, no clue, he sounds fancy judging from his website. But his blog post was called More, Less, Stop basically the short premise of this blog was we have an limited amount of time in each day and to help us prioritize we can make a list 1. More- what do we want more of? 2. Less- what are some things we could do with less of and 3. What are some things that we need to stop doing altogether. He challenges us to think of seven things for each list and try to do them for 30 days. I think this shall be tomorrow's daily distraction. I'll get back to you with my list and I'll keep thinking about my summer bucket list.

Maybe I could enlist your help for one of my summer bucket list items. I'm looking to take a solo adventure/vacation to someplace with a good mix of things to do/relaxing down time, I was thinking possibly Savannah, or just a straight up beach trip and maybe to go to Hilton Head Island in SC, I'm still brainstorming. Do you have any ideas? 

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