Friday, November 30, 2012

Who Has Two Thumbs and Spent Friday Night at Wal-Mart?

This girl! 

Oh Wal-mart.... no more really needs to be said. Surprisingly there weren't too many people of wal-mart out and about on a Friday night, I'm sure they were at the bar or trying to decide which pair of plaid pajama bottoms were the "going out" kind. 

No matter what store I'm in, I kinda have a method. My sister and I like to call it a perimeter check. Target is the best example of this but it works for Wal-mart too, you work the outside aisles first then circle back to the middle depending on where you want to spend your time, just trust me it works.

The main mission of our trip was cat food and mom had some things to pick up. I didn't have anything else planned so why not. Surprising that this mission actually had an objective because sometimes, hold your gasps, they go just for fun?!?! I promise you my gma can attract the crazies too, people will start to tell her their whole life story, she just has that kind of face I guess.

With nothing planned I managed to accomplish a few things. I finished up my co-workers Christmas gifts (please don't expect anything fancy, it's the thought that counts) and since I'm doing so well kicking the nail biting habit and have awesome long ladylike nails now and they've been bare since I removed my gel polish I had (I literally spent like 3 hours trying to carefully take it off myself, which I did manage to do with not too much damage to my nails. But it really does last for weeks) I thought some new polish was in order. I'm kind of a perfectionist and can't really do the whole left hand painting the right thing and it drives me nuts for it to look like the blind man down the street did it, so I thought I'd give the ole Sally Hansen polish sheet thingys a try.

They work pretty good, I think I did an ok application job. Although I don't think it will last too long for me. I didn't get the edges down good enough I guess and they are already starting to peel a bit, so it won't be long before it's gone I'm sure. But they sure do look purty. 

For the better part of a week I've been dealing with a nasty ear infection and haven't been able to hear in my right ear, if that isn't one of the MOST annoying ailments I'm not sure I know what is. So bad that I for the first time took myself to the 'Urgent Care' doctor. The giant of a man (not cute whatsoever) who looked in my ear actually said ewww, never a good sign when a doctor says eww. 2 weeks of antibiotics twice a day, I have yet to see an improvement but man I sure hope my hearing comes back soon. I think going deaf in one ear could drive a sane man nuts! 

Well I do believe I hear my bed calling my name. whew what a day, Wal-mart really takes a lot out of ya huh? Hope your Friday was as exhilarating as mine!  Check ya later! 

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