Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hope You Can Button Your Pants Again

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that Thanksgiving only happens once a year... I kid, I kid. We had ham and turkey, potato and stuffing and oh so many pies. 

I was sad to hear that Mr. Food had passed away, I always remember watching him on the local TV station during the noon broadcast because oooh, it's so good.

A.Drama sent this picture Wednesday as she was helping gma get ready for the big dinner. We ended up not going the Japanese route for Thanksgiving, we had turkey instead. Don't worry, no adorable kittens were harmed in the making of this photo.

Wednesday night I also went bowling. I don't even remember what the score ended up being or who won. All I know is that you can't have anymore fun than that for $13 in small town hanging with friends.

Then Friday rolled around. More power to the people and brave souls who ventured out late Thursday/Early Friday but I'm not doing that again. That happened one year and then I remembered about 4 hours into the line at Best Buy to check out that I hate people. I could be maybe persuaded to change my mind in the future if there was a big big ticket item, or I think if you have kids there is more fun in getting today. But I'm not standing in line for days for a half off DVD set. No Way.

I tried today to get a jump start on my holiday shopping, at least for my co-worker friends. I got distracted and failed at my attempts, but to be fair, I tried to buy local first and had no luck. BUT you know how while shopping for others you always find something for you instead. Well a few friends had already found this little gem but today I found it for half off, only $15 for 
\hours of fun! My very own remote controlled helicopter! The cats do not approve, but gpa sure did! We've already had landing competitions by setting up random landing pads and laughing as the helicopter crashes to the ground. I think dad enjoyed it too! 

I give myself major props for getting out of the house on day 3 of my 5 day weekend. I may even venture to the big city to complete my original task, if I can handle being around people lol. But if not I suppose I'll just have to cuddle with an adorable little kitten pal.

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