Friday, June 8, 2012

The Week With No Internet

... was really hard. Do you know how much you use the internet for in everyday life? It all started Monday, I came home to an obnoxious blinking red light on the model... uh oh. Turns out it would be off until Friday. Oh.crap. Granted I did have my phone but here in the small town we don't have that 3G/4G you city folk got going so I might as well have been watching the grass grow as long as it took to load a single page.

Some mind thoughts that occurred and ended up requiring the internet...

*I had been pondering the notion of getting a new tv, was going to research for the best price. No internet. What do you do? Use work intenet briefly research buy new TV on a whim. = I have a new TV with no chicken pox spots like my old one. (google DLP white dots and you'll see what I had considered able to put up with)

*I wonder what the weather is going to be like this week. No, what do you do? Oh yeah those newspaper things have weather in them.

*Oh well I see it's time for the Victoria's Secret semi-annual sale, I wonder what kind of things I can find there, not in stores yet, better check online. Oh.crap. This thing called United States Postal Service delivered a catalog to my door.

*I wonder what's going on with Pioneer Woman or what's The Mrs or Big Boca Bob up to? Oh.right. Guess I'll have to catch up later.. or at work.

*I usually let Pandora radio lull me to sleep, no internet :( guess I'll have to use my iPod.

*Hmm I should read more, I wonder what books are new for my Nook... oh nevermind.

*I have a good blog in my head I'll have to get that done tonight... oh wait. It'll have to wait too.

*What else is that actor in, I'll have to it... wah!! Now I'll never know where I know him from.

Has the internet ruined us? I didn't have internet growing up as a kid, we managed to keep ourselves occupied, no wonder kids these days have ADD. It was a hard week to get through, but I made it. I think I'd be up for the challenge another time. So take time and thank your internet tonight, you never know when you might be without it for a few days.


  1. I'm not sure I could make it a week. If you took away my internet plus my iPhone I would be shaking in withdrawls within 24 hours. Luckily, as you've probably noticed, you didn't miss much at One Carbon Hill!

  2. Love the new design!
    My internet has been spotty for days. I'm trying to get a tech out here today. I do not have my home phone without the modem! Fingers crossed they get here today.
    Good luck with Warrior. Maybe you will see Tru Stories and the Mrs. there.

  3. Isn't it ridiculous how reliant we have become on the world wide web?! I'm not afraid to deny it either....I totally love technology! Didn't miss anything here. Love the new color scheme of the blog! Good luck with the Warrior Dash on Saturday. My race isn't until Sunday so make sure to blog about it before then so I know what I am getting myself into. Let me know if you come up with any fun summer activities! I, too, am on the search for something new and exciting!


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