Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sweet Summertime

Tomorrow, June 20th is the first day of summer, I'm pretty sure it's here already based on the recent temperatures. So here's the deal, we have until September 21st to add and cross things off our Summer Bucket List, that's 93 days. I think we can do this...

Here's what's on the list so far, plenty more to be added I'm sure, but this is a good start:

* Volunteer
* Go Fishing
* Read 10 books
* Take a random class and learn something new
* Take a day trip somewhere
* Take a week off from technology (well I'll keep my iPhone)
* Make something I saw on Pinterest
* Dress up for a night out on the town
* Cubs game
* Start a good habit

I've spent several days thinking about this list and that was about all I could come up with. It's a start but I need more ideas. Anyone got any good ones?

Happy Summertime!  

1 comment:

  1. Tell me when you see me tomorrow about the book you are currently reading. Looks good!
    For a trip to take I suggest Eureka Springs, AR. It really is beautiful!!


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