Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Terrific Tuesday

A random Tuesday is the best day to take off work, Fridays off are so cliche, Tuesdays are where it's at. Today I had lunch with an old friend. I love that we have been able to start hanging out again and can pick up like no time has passed, I need to see more of her. We spent a few hours downtown soaking up the beautiful weather.

I love that I was able to be one of those people out and about at noon on a Tuesday, clearly I'm in the wrong profession. I ran into a lot of interesting people while perusing the downtown shops. You truly never know what kind of people you can run into on Tuesday, they are not the people you would run into say on a Friday at noon or a dinner evening out. As I sat there with my pineapple margarita.. delish.. I was intrigued by the people I saw, more so I was perplexed as to what their lives must be like to be able to afford a Tuesday afternoon out and about. I had to use precious personal time to be able to afford such luxury.

Our conversation turned later into what chickenshizz's we are to try new things. I would love to be one of those people that just up and takes a risk, or quits a job and moves someplace new, or just have an extended interesting conversation with a stranger would be an interesting trait to have. It sometimes crosses my mind to just up and quit my job, maybe go back to to school or live abroad, but how do people do that? The first thing that crosses my mind when I think about quitting my job is, but I have bills to pay, I have good medical insurance and a 401K and I get more vacation days than most. When I even begin to think about doing something reckless I can't, I have this override system of worst case scenarios that pop into my head, I can't even trespass out of fear of going to jail. Is that normal? I feel like the way the economy is today I'm lucky to have a job and if I were to quit how do you make money, where do you find a job if you were to up and move somewhere? I don't know how to turn off the responsible voice that screams at me when a reckless thought even crosses my mind. I feel like now is the time that would be appropriate for me to do something crazy like go back to school for a degree in something fun or at least to study abroad a semester.... but the voice tells me that is too much money.

Then of course I had to run across this quote today...

" Just remember: You have to take chances when you're young in order to tell stories when you're old."

... of course I would run across a quote like that on a day like today. Well crap, my stories will be lame and put people to sleep. Well I worked because it was the responsible thing to do and never took any risks or changes or took a leap of blind faith or followed a dream. Bah Humbug! Stupid responsible voice turn off!

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