Sunday, June 10, 2012

Six Down, Six to Go

Has anyone else noticed that twenty-twelve is half over?! That means it's been six months since January.

3,864 hours
231,840 minutes
161 days

..and I feel I have accomplished nothing. The only big thing of note I can come up with is making a small step towards change. I posted for a new job in my unit and got it. I spent three months in training which totally drained me of wanting to do much else other than cope with the self induced stress that came from being a new person and not knowing what I was doing. It's getting better but I'm still clearly the new person and I don't like being new.

I have been a terrible blogger too, only 24 posts in 161 days?! Terrible, and one of my 2012 resolutions was to blog more. I had 122 posts last year, I've got time to get that one done. Looking back at the beginning of the year I was slightly on top of it, going to the gym and working with a trainer. That all stopped when I started getting stressed with new job and got lazy. I signed up for the Warrior Dash in December and will probably die Saturday.

The saddest part is I have no excuses. Not a one, just me. I got in the way. I'm scared to try new things and I'm unmotivatedly lazy. I'm trying to fix it but just can't seem to get over the hump.

But Summer is coming and I'm bound and determined to make a good fun one. June 20th is the official start to summer, that's 103 days until Fall. I'm in desperate need of getting out of my funk, although I don't feel as much in a rut as I have in the past, it's still a looming feeling. 

I'm working on a Summer Bucket List with the main goal of getting myself out of the house and changing stuff up. I started with changing the blog design, I like it, makes it feel a new. I'm thinking of changing my hair up too I think it will help to look in the mirror and there be a physical change looking back.

Any suggestions for a Summer activity to add to the list, what are some of your Summer bucket list items?

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