Monday, May 28, 2012

A Four Day Weekend Gone too Soon

A four day weekend should be required of all americans once a month, why is it not?

Friday saw an awesome band, they are my new favorite of the moment. They are called Red Wanting Blue. I can't stop listening to them.

Saturday I was a bum, it was great.

Sunday I was a morning bum, then went to the Drive In and saw a double feature. Avengers (again) and Battleship. It was kinda lame.

Monday, sigh. The last day of this glorious break from real life/work. Went to the parade/Memorial Day service in the morning. Then took the bike out for about 140+ miles today. It was really hot and the wind picked up. I burned the tops of my hands, and man does that kinda hurt. Then we grilled this evening. I'm really sad to have to go back to work :/  Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the great weather!


  1. I'm a huge fan of Red Wanting Blue! I've been to a few shows and was actually at the same bar as you Friday night when the above picture was taken. What a small world! Glad to see you have jumped on the RWB fan train :)

  2. That is a very small world! It was a great show, I can't wait to watch them on Letterman. I'm totally onn the RWB train! :D


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