Sunday, May 20, 2012

Busy Busy

Hello there friends.

May has been a hip-happening kind of month. I'm back from the training unit and settling into my new job, still learning, I'm tired of learning new things, but I know it's necessary. I've been managing to find things to do to counter act the boringness and mind numbingness of training.

This past weekend I went camping and boating with some friends. I managed to slightly lessen the paleness of my albino skin, we weren't out too long and believe me I applied sunblock multiple times.

I also had the great misfourtune of swimsuit shopping. I still haven't given up, but was quite disheartened when out on the search. I have discovered that I am slightly misshapen when it comes to swimsuits. I'm too long to be fully covered with the tankini style suits and have yet to find a one piece that fits me that doesn't look like a tent. Is there really no happy medium? Swimsuits just really don't hide a whole lot and have managed to avoid water activities up until this point, but who can turn down boating? So alas, this week I will once again try to hold my head up high, and hope I find something that's cute and functional.... riiiight. Here's hoping.

2012 the Summer of Fun..
to be continued...


  1. Land's End has suits for women with long torsos! I promise you they are not paying me to sell them (though they should).

  2. Here is to the Summer of Fun!!!


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