Wednesday, January 4, 2012

* 3 Days *

Three days in a row at the gym! Kind of a big deal for me, I don't think that's been done before! I know going is better than not but I don't know how it's going to go for weigh in on Monday. I don't think watching the biggest loser really helped me gain any hope either. I'm not expecting to lose 10-15lbs in my first week (although that would be amazeballs). I'm sore on top of sore so that must mean I'm doing something right, right?! Rome wasn't built in a day, or however that saying goes.

First steps are getting in the habit of just going to the gym and getting exercise time in. The next step will be really looking at what I'm eating on a daily basis and make some changes. Luckily or unluckily, I have given up soda a long time ago. I'm really just mainly a water and plan straight up tea gal, no sugar, no nothing. So while that is a healthy choice, I've already been doing it and won't see any major pounds dropped there. But no excuses, and baby steps.

                                                               via pinterest

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