Monday, January 3, 2011

You Know What Sucks?

Being so uber excited for the Really Lame Animal joke of the day only to remember half way into work that the one who possesses the above daily joke calendar has decided to take the week off (with the option of return Thursday or Friday) I literally did not want to come back to the humdrum of work after the vacation (note yesterday's post) and the only thing I was looking forward to was some really lame animal jokes.

Backstory: TT got Old Lady a very nice laser pointer for Christmas, in exactly 2.4 seconds OL broke her laser. So after a trip to the company store over lunch TT found the perfect replacement gift, it is so hard to find something for the one who has everything (and it's all hidden in her desk drawers or email inbox; need something from 2004 yep check the inbox... it's there. I promise) The perfect gift was indeed a  Really Lame Animal joke a day calendar. I had to pick a few things up for OL at the store too so I just set them on her desk for her return and TT being the crafty gal she is re-used the gift back from the laser (you have to say it like Dr. Evil " the lazer") This confused OL and thought everything on the desk was from me, a very nice thank you was returned. TT asked if she found her gift... well OL thought it was from me and wasn't going to say anything (too sweet) but after she found out who it was from, she didn't hold back. She thought it was lame and would not be funny. WRONG! I mean come on the joke on the front
Q: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A: Fsh
HILARIOUS! She even laughed. I'm pretty sure she laughed twice on different occasions at the same joke, if that isn't funny then I don't know what is.

So it was then decided that there would be an official time of the day when the really lame animal joke would be read. We decided the time can change based upon our morale needs. Old Lady taunted us with the box last week teasing that we couldn't take the plastic off and get our jokes until the new year. She even left the empty box hidden on my desk (didn't find it until this morning) just to tease. She knew the whole time that she'd be out the first week of the new year, torture. I even tried snooping for it but had no luck.

Old Lady when you get back you better get ready to bust a gut laughing cuz we got a week load of lame one's coming!!

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