Saturday, January 1, 2011


Day 1 of a new year, a new decade, a new start, new hopes and dreams.

My biggest goal this year is to stop worrying so much about the future and to live in the present. I want to meet people and make friends and learn new things, take more pictures, and get out of the house more and I'd like to eat better and exercise more.

To help me get started, I signed up for a photography workshop in February and I'm going to be working on a Project365.

Project 365 is something that a lot of people have been doing. Basically you take a photo a day and at the end you will have a year in the life of in daily snap shots. The main goal of these projects is to document your year in accomplishments, travels, adventures and just your everyday life that may be easy to forget the little things because life moves fast whether you feel it or not. It's also a great way to become a better photographer. Check out this link from Photojojo for a good explanation and browse around for great photography inspired crafts and creations! I'm really excited about this project and think it will be really fun. I've read that some people get bored and will give a weekly theme to keep them motivated. You can follow this project on my photo blog (find the photo blog link on the top right)

I still have so much that I want to accomplish in my life and without sounding too cliche', I'm trying really hard to be optimistic that this is going to be the year that things will start going in my direction. If you've know me for about the last three or four years I hope you've noticed a difference. I like to think that I've grown up a lot as a person and learned a lot about myself. It's been rough at times but I've made it through. I'm beginning to let go of the past and learn to look ahead and not back. I've heard everything happens for a reason and I'm really hoping that is true.

Happy New Year Folks. I hope everything is better for you in 2011 and may the next decade bring us all many dreams come true.

I've added the tag 2011 for posts where I have done something new or something noteworthy for this year's goal. This is my first whole year for my blog!

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