Sunday, October 3, 2010

Road Trip

Our original road trip plans were aborted after yesterday's morning rain. We had hoped to make it up to Starved Rock and check it out. Then we thought about postponing the Starved Rock trip until today, but again the weather really wasn't on our side aka cold and wind.

I have not yet upgraded my cold weather gear, because well I haven't really needed it. But today I wish I did have some chaps, that would have been really nice. Instead I had to improv which consisted of... long sleeve t-shirt, t-shirt, sweatshirt, and leather jacket. My track years paid off in the gift of long spandex which were worn under my jeans, thickest socks I own and boots. Full face helmet (which I always wear anyways, but especially useful on days like today), bandanna over my mouth and tucked in my sweatshirt (which ended up being a godsend anyway your neck can get very very cold) and my heaviest motorcycle gloves which will definitely need to be upgraded if I plan to adventure much more into the bone chilling cold. 1st annual Frozen Turkey ride anyone?! lol

So since we were too chickenbutt to brave the cold too much we decided a closer 50mi trip would be better suited for a cold day road trip. So we ventured off to Pontiac. There we checked out the Route 66 Museum which had lots donated items true to the Route 66 routes. Stories, pictures and memorabilia filled the cases. The building was also home to the local War Museum. It was one of the best collections and personal war stories I've seen for a small town. Everything there was donated and listed the person's name and story. Particularly interesting was all the uniforms with medals earned on display.

One story really stood out to me. A young man who stormed the beaches of Normandy was hit three times by a machine gun upon arrival, the third shot had ricocheted off his dogtags and St. Christopher medal (the dogtags with bullet hole were on display) as the young man lay wounded on the beach he was struck two more times by enemy sniper fire, one shot grazed his head. He was rescued and spent two years in the hospital and make a full recovery. The picture showed him when he came to visit the display as an old man. He lived to be 85 years old. It was an amazing story, I highly recommend checking it out.

We had a good time and a nice ride despite the cool weather. This was my longest trip thus far on the bike and I'm only getting started. Each time I venture farther and farther. Sadly it will soon be time to park it up for the winter, and dream of that first warm day to start the season all over again.

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