Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Superstitious?

I came across an article today about the Titanic. You know the ginourmous ship from the early 1900's known for it's glamorous design and "unsinkable" status and overall hugeness? Oh and that little thing that happened on the maiden voyage where it sank in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and 1500 people drowned?

Well now you can relive the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic thanks to the "Titanic Memorial Cruise" It's sold out a mere 18 months before the voyage to retrace the doomed maiden voyage of the Titanic.  It's a 12 day cruise through the Atlantic stopping in several European Ports, departing from the UK. Did I mention they will be at the exact spot the Titanic sank on exactly the 100th Anniversary of it's sinking. (um hello time/space continuum portal, that's just asking for trouble, I hope they don't get there at exactly 2:20am the exact time she sank too, AY YI YI!)

I don't consider myself to be a big superstitious person, people go on cruises all the time, and I don't think anything has sunk (without pirate help anyway) as of late so I'm sure it's completely safe. Something just seems a little off about the whole idea. I know it's a memorial but it seems a bit much?!

I am a huge Titanic fan (shout-out to Leo! <3) not just of the movie (I saw it like 4 times in theaters, yep one of those) but of the whole story. I'm kind of a closet history buff when it comes to stuff like that I guess. I would be all about going out there to investigate the wreckage with scientists (Oh! I can add that to my wish-I-had-this-job-instead-of-the-one-I-have list but I don't know how I feel about parading a whole boat ship of people over the site where the largest passenger steamship of it's time found it's demise. Just like I don't particularly want to fly over the scene of an air crash.

I don't know though as I'm reading the itinerary, it actually sounds pretty neat, historically of course and taking out the fact that it's exploiting the doom.

But I'd be just as excited to go to Branson, MO and visit the Titanic museum there! There you will navigate through twenty rooms holding 400 valuable museum artifacts and personal items, an exclusive photo collection and hands-on-activities, including touching an ice wall! Man now look what I did, I want to go to Branson!! It's a 7 hour drive, weekend trip?!

The questions I leave you with today are:
- How superstitious are you and what are you superstitious about?
- Would you take the "Memorial Cruise" and be there exactly 100 years later to one of the deadliest peace time maritime disasters?!
- Who's going to Branson with me?! lol (I know 'Page Turner' is going soon!)


  1. I'm superstitious about wanting to tempt fate. Just the psychological impact of being on that ship exactly 100 years to to day may make the crew a bit jittery. I'll watch it on the news thank you.

  2. I would have loved to be on the ship with my favorite little guy, The Kid. Easy Rider, I think I have a date for you for your Branson trip. You share a passion.


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