Monday, February 4, 2013

Is It Spring Yet?

I don’t know about you but I am over winter. Sayonara old man winter, Punxatawney Phil says early Spring and that can’t come soon enough.  All I want to do when it’s dreary and gray is hibernate in my warm cozy house and watch TV and be a non-productive member of society. But alas, life must go on even when the skies are gray.

I’ve been putting in some extra hours at work for overtime, I don’t know if we will ever get caught up, and actually right now I kinda hope we don’t. I’m saving the extra money for a new car and a great vacation. I had lunch with an old boss a few weeks ago and she totally called me out. She said remember when you said you were waiting to finish your degree before you started really working on your career? Um oops that was like 3 years ago. And Jillian has been calling me out on my lack of participation with the gym. I sit and complain about being fat, yet just sit and complain. I dream of a different position within the company, but just sit complacently in the same department that I started in. Bottom line, change is scary, yet if you never do something different you’ll always have what you’ve always had. Snore.

Regrettably weight does not come off as easily as it comes on. I’m still hovering around 11lbs lost total, kind of at the plateau. I’m working on overcoming my lack of energy in the evenings and just need to force myself to go, I have a looming 80 days left to be ready for races I have signed up for. Yikes, zero barrier is fast approaching. As far as my career goes, there are definitely more things I can be doing, you have to be able to help yourself around these parts. My first step was reaching out to my old boss, part of helping yourself is know when to ask for help or advice. She suggested I find a mentor in a different area to learn more about the business side of our giant company. Have any of you ever had an official mentor, or do you just use peer mentors and seek advice from others.

My OT motivational buddy keeps saying she has a good feeling about 2013. I feel like the past couple years everyone has said this will be the year, great things will happen. The past couple years haven’t been bad by any means, but there really is something that feels different about this year. I think I might finally have the strength for change this year. In just one short month I’ve already purged so much, both physically (I cleaned the crap out of my closet) and emotionally. I’ve already felt the pendulum change towards thinking more for myself and what I want rather than how it might make others might feel. I’ve let go of some past baggage and let people fade from my life who don’t really need to be there anymore and it feels great. So if the first month of the year is any indication of how the rest of the year will turn out, I have a good feeling. Bring it on February!

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