Monday, August 15, 2011

Work, Nails Did, Help

Saturday after a long day of work, myself OL and TT went for pedi's and a movie. OL was celebrating the removal of her boot after she stress broke her foot after a narley surfing accident, and it was the first time her piggies had seen daylight in sometime so we went out on the town. We had a great time and I think TT enjoyed the special massaging chair maybe a smidge too much.

Then it was off to the movies. You may remember several months back when the Page Turners read The Help and we were very excited when we found out there was going to be a movie. The last time we did a book vs. movie was Eat Pray Love. That didn't go so well, people who loved the book thought the movie was ok, if you hated the book you like the movie. I think no matter how you feel about the book in this case or even if you haven't read the book you'll love the movie.

I laughed, I cried and laughed some more. It's so sad to watch a movie like that knowing that it wasn't that long ago that our country was a very different place. I know things aren't great but I think we've come a long way in acceptance of others, it's so sad that we just can't all get along and treat everyone the same.

Obviously the movie can't include everything that is in the book, but I think it hits all the highlights. The cast was great and Sissy Spacek was hilarious in the movie, I think she kind of stole the show. I highly recommend this movie even if you haven't read the book, I think after you see it, you'll want to go read it.

1 comment:

  1. I had such a good time..worked OT, piggies done, a little 'not so pleasurable' soft spot massage surprise and then the movie. Like she said, cried, laughed and laughed some more. Great time, thanks girls...TT
    P.S next movie 'Footloose'


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