Monday, February 24, 2014

The Empty Rooms

The moving truck arrived on Saturday to scoop up my things and send them on their way to Arizona. This is really happening, for realz, no turning back now. Having someone come and do all the packing and heavy lifting is so the way to go! All I had to do was say this goes, this stays, this goes, this stays.

If you know me, you know I'm a worrier. I can't help it, I like to have everything planned and if it's beyond my control then I worry. I was worried about the packing. If you know me, you also know I procrastinate, which sometimes leads to more worry. Well I didn't really start going through things until the Thursday & Friday before the movers come on Saturday. I tried to get through as much stuff as I could so I don't end up taking things I don't need right away. I mean that's what parent's houses are for right? A holding area for all your things until you have a house of your own? Well it got to be late on Friday night and I just said forget it, pack it up! I'll figure it out later. 

So who knows what I'll end up with. The biggest concern was making sure I have enough clothing and stuff to get by for the next two weeks before we head out. With that being the main objective, I think I did ok.

It's insane how much stuff accumulates in just a few short years. I had 3 things on my missing list and was able to find 2/3, which isn't bad. My poor Germany hat is still MIA. Zero clue where it is. It's also funny how un-sentimental you get about things. Do I need this? Nope, throw it out! 

Motorcycles in snow and ice is sketchy. I ended up having to dig another path through our neighbors snow to his driveway so we could 'safely' push the bike up front to get it on the truck. My shoulder is so sore from shoveling, I'm very much tired of all this snow crap! The snow has also melted and refroze so it's super heavy. I also fell on the ice for the first time this winter, and fell right on my left side, I have a bruised hip and shoulder for a battle scar. The bruise should really be a lot bigger for as bad as it hurts. I hate when the bruises don't show the pain. But anywho, the fall was unrelated to the bike moving. But we did manage to get the bike all loaded on the truck safe and sound. Here's hoping for a gentle road and smooth transitions for all my things.

So there you have it. The empty rooms. I'll miss these rooms, I'll miss those beautiful wood floors. But I'm excited for my adorable new condo as well! 

For the time being I'm taking up residence in the extra downstairs bedroom. I've downsized in a few ways. I did have a queen size bed, but now I have a twin bed, but on the plus side it's adjustable and I can move the head and foot of the bed up and down, it even has a massage feature! The other downsize was the TV. I've gone from my beautiful 47" LED HD TV, to the tiny crappy color resolution 20" tube TV that I won at my senior after prom. It ain't pretty but it gets the job done! 

Poor little Oliver doesn't quite know what to think. He kinda freaked out when the movers were here and then when he ran upstairs to hide he kinda gave me a WTF look when there was nothing to hide under. He's calmed down though and has been chillin. He's been very cuddly lately too, I think he things I'm going to leave him next! 

The good-bye dinners have already started. It's going to get harder and harder to say adios to my friends. So many of them are working towards their own adventure as well. Everyone has been so supportive of each other and offering a helping hand, whether it's spell checking a resume or helping prepare for an interview, it's so great to see friends come together and help. Even though we are moving away, one of the great things of our generation is the ability to be so connected even when we are miles and miles apart.


  1. We can email with you in a cubicle in AZ as easily as in IL. Technology will keep you close.PT

  2. "Empty chairs at empty tables" -- Les Misérables


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