Sunday, November 24, 2013

Christmas Time in Small Town

Well, like it or not it's that time of year again. Jack frost is nipping at our nose (and car windows in the morning) we've had our first snow on the ground but if that wasn't enough, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Small town. The lights on our the trees downtown and the Christmas tree is up in the square. That means it's time for the annual lighted Christmas parade.

Could it have been anymore freezing for the occasion?! I'm pretty sure it felt like 13 degrees, I even had to finally break out the winter coat. Luckily there was hot chocolate to keep us warm! Most people opted to park in a prime location and keep in their vehicle for the event, BUMS! Suck it up and sit outside like it's a real parade will ya! 

A.Drama and I toughed it out, Marvin and dad joined us too, they weren't particularly thrilled about it, but when the floats started by, you can't help but feel the holiday magic! 

You might remember that here in small town, we are serious about our parades and serious about tractors. So you better bet there were light covered tractors in the parade and lots of em! 

It's Santa and Mrs. Clause! 

We finally thawed out and made our way back to the warmth of home, I bundled up in my warm blanket with my cozy slippers and watched some TV  what a great night! Hope you all kept warm this weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. Great parade!! Seems strange you are getting snow and we are heating up for summer!! Love the huge tractors with lights!


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