Thursday, October 3, 2013

Throw Back Thursday: Woolrich

Here is a throw back picture to 2008. A.Drama and I took a bus trip to New York City, which ended up being a bus load of old folks... no really. They loved us! But they were totally excited about the stop in Pennsylvania to the original Woolrich store. A.drama and I did not understand the excitement but old people be cray about Woorich. 

It's funny that we had never really heard of Woolrich or seen another Woolrich store, but now we've seen them several different times in different places we've been.

In fact here is A.Drama in Mackinaw City, MI last year in front of the Woolrich store.

Happy Thursday! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, look. A.Drama has on the same t-shirt as she does in the Oct. 6 post.


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