Friday, October 25, 2013

Screaming Pumpkin 2013

'twas a lovely fall night for a run through the cemetery....

Our third running walking of the Screaming Pumpkin 10k is done and in the books. The gigantic cemetery that this race goes through is a gorgeous cemetery... that sounds weird, but it is, though we only had a short time to actually see it. Night soon fell and we were left hoping not to run into the undead. The trails are only lit by glowsticks lining the pathways and each participant is given a couple of glowstick necklaces to wear. It scares the crap out of you when you approach someone who isn't wearing any because you can barely see them.

Our costumes were a hit this year! I can gauge how good a costume is by how many people talk to you about it, and this year there were many, we even had one person ask for our picture. 

Do you remember the show 'Legends of the Hidden Temple' if you don't you probably didn't grow up with 90's Nickelodeon. But it's a Indiana Jones style game show for kids with six teams competing for the grand prize. We chose to be the Green Monkeys. We could hear several people talking about our costumes, they looked familiar and knew it was Nickelodeon but couldn't quite remember the name. Once we told them they were always like "Yeah! That's it! I loved that show!" If it had been warmer we could have had the whole look going with elbow and knee pads and the classic khaki shorts, but we had to bundle up a bit cuz it was a smidge chilly. We successfully managed to make it to the finish and bonus, we weren't last!

The green monkeys survived the Screaming Pumpkin 10k! 

We managed to finish with a time of 2:01:40 which is pretty good considering we walked the whole thing. Even though we have blisters and are a bit sore from hiking up the giant hills in the cemetery and sometimes question our sanity half way through; we always come back for this very fun race. This is our third time doing the race in four years and it gets better and better each time. You get a t-shirt, medal, and post race food complete with hot chocolate, and on a night like tonight you definitely need it to warm the bones! 

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