Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013: Strength

I thought long and hard about goals/changes I want to make for the upcoming year. I was trying to explain my outlook to someone and it came off really kinda bad sounding lol. But I want to be more selfish in 2013. I spend so much time thinking about how other peoples feelings are effected and most of the time I put others far in front of my own self. Which isn't a terrible trait, but sometimes you need to take some time for yourself. So I plan to give back to myself a little more, and not feel so guilty about maybe spending money on things I want rather than having the inner conversation of wants vs needs. I want to pamper myself a little more and I want to travel by myself somewhere pretty this year too.

So with all that in mind, I have chosen my 2013 word, strength. Not just in the physical get fit kind of strength but more about finding the inner strength, although physical fitness kind of strength is part of that too. I'm kind of billing it as the year of me, and just kind of explore different avenues of interests and just be a student of the world around me.

If you believe in horoscopes and Chinese symbols, I researched that a smidge too. I'm an Ox and an Aquarius. They never really lead you to believe that bad will come to you in the new year... but hey, I enjoy their optimistic approach. And I swear I had the whole take time for myself thing planned way before I read this horoscope, maybe they are right? 

Aquarius (from
If you've heard of the book How to Make Friends and Influence People, the aspects given this year will help you become an expert in both. It's not a matter of "learning" how to get along, but rather sensing what's wrong in a situation and making it right.

February 8 [um this is totally my birthday-does that mean something extra special?!], when the Moon is in Aquarius (also enriched by other aspects) you can more easily think on your feet during conflicts. This is especially convenient, as you're likely to be knocked around from place to place a lot this year. With all the coming and going you'll be doing, you'll need to keep your stamina up more than ever.

Take time for yourself this year, because the otherwise intense attention you might get from friends and family could overwhelm you. You may have to give yourself a crash course in not expecting too much from yourself. You're only human, and in the end, it's your very humanity that will make you respected and loved by the ones you care about.

The year of ambitious Water Snake, February 10, 2013 to January 30, 2014, brings good luck. Water Snake is your friend! It supplies a welcome, calming influence. You'll be more social and confident. 

A Snake year rewards ambition. You'll feel more relaxed with people you don't know well. Practice entering a room as if you own the place! Your greatest strength will be found by developing mutually beneficial relationships. 

The November 3 New Moon/Solar Eclipse can bring you to an important crossroads in your life. It's a powerful time for new beginnings. Don't hesitate to consult wise elders whose opinions you respect.

Snake years are lucky for any Ox willing to work hard and try to read the signals people are sending out. It's important to speak your mind. Have the courage to break with any arrangement where you feel you aren't appreciated. Avoid taking sides in power struggles. 

Networking helps you find a new or better job. The last week of July and first week of August are especially lucky for improving your career. You'll be well liked by co-workers, supervisors, and clients.

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year! Good Luck in everything you want to accomplish in 2013. And remember... a lot of people didn't think we'd be here, it's in overtime now, time to make it count! 

North of 10th


  1. You don't know me. We have never met. BUT I just clicked on your blog at 11:58pm on the last day of 2012, and I honestly think it was click of fate. Your personal goals reflect my own, and I find your STRENGTH inspiring. Thank you. I hope you are successful in all your goals for the new year and if you need it, I can be your personal online cheerleader! :)

  2. That is the most amazing comment I have ever received. I am continually astounded by the kindness and inspiration of blog strangers. You may most definitely be my online cheerleader, and I will continue to stalk your life via your blog. You have the most amazing year ahead of you. I'm sure it will be stressful planning a wedding and trying to make sure all is perfect, but remember to take time for yourself and cherish the little moments because that is what is going to make all the difference. Big Boca Bob I hope you have the most amazing year ever!


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