Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm Not Proud but...

I have done absolutely nothing this holiday weekend. It's kind of sad, and mostly lazy. I'm blaming Isaac and his 4" of rain, as if that makes me feel better. I have managed to be on track with my digital cleaning. I organized all my pictures on my hard drive by year and moved them off my computer to my external hard drive, which saves some space on my computers. I have slept more than I care to mention, pinned a million pins and managed to not get out of my pajamas for three days. I think I'm part bear, and I know fall is coming so I getting ready to hibernate for the winter.

I also took a look at my summer bucket list and didn't do so hot, I think I have a problem keeping personal goals, I've misplaced my motivation and can't find it, if you come across it let me know. I did sign up for a Holiday sewing class that starts in November, I'm looking forward to it. Maybe if your good you will get a special handmade gift from me for Christmas! 

Hope everyone else was slightly more motivated than I this long holiday weekend. I might even try and leave the house tomorrow.


  1. Today is my #3 in my PJ's also. I did leave the house to walk on the deck to empty my 6" of rain out of the rain gauge. GREAT weekend... OL

  2. OL & Easy Rider - Glad you both had a pj week-end. Nothing wrong with that.
    Easy Rider - give yourself a break. You have been doing plenty of living!!


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