Saturday, December 7, 2013

Santa Came to Town!

The Santa Train! 


Today was a special day in Small Town, Santa came to town! He came by rail to visit all the boys and girls in town. Every year the Santa Train makes it way to small town, it's an old passenger train all dressed up in the holiday spirit. I won't lie it felt a little bit weird to be there without a small child, but you're never too old for Santa right?!

The weather today was great, but cold. If felt like the train came straight from the North Pole and brought the weather with. I'm pretty sure the 'feels like' temp was a bit cooler than the 9 degrees that my car said as I left this morning. Dad wanted to come too, just to check out the fancy old train. Scheduled to arrive at 8 am it was a bit late and didn't get to town until about 8:30, that's when dad and I headed uptown to start our adventure. We ended up waiting about 2 hours. You are given a ticket and thankfully got to wait inside until they call your number.

Once your number is called you get to see Santa! You walk through the passenger car and everywhere you look there are decorations! 

Santa! Here's Santa and I sharing a laugh. 

After you get done chatting with Santa, you make your way through a few more passenger cars all the way up to the engine. When you got to the engine you got to blow the train's horn, (it's actually just a button you push) then after that you're on you're way.

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